Getting Started With Ansible

Ansible computer set up

I first learned about Ansible at Jeff Geerling’s session DevOps for Humans: Ansible for Drupal Deployment Victory! at DrupalCon Austin. I also read (parts of) Jeff’s book Ansible for DevOps. So what is Ansible you ask? Ansible is a command line tool used for automation.

I have used Ansible a few times now, but not for a year or two. I recently started work on a project where Ansible is a good fit, and I had to re-learn some of the basics. I decided to write the tutorial that I wish had been available when I started back up again.

Ansible, good gosh! What is it good for?

To begin, Ansible is designed to manage remote computers. A few key points:

  • The managed computer needs Python installed, but nothing specific to Ansible.
  • By default, set up the managed computer so you can log in with SSH using a key.
  • Ansible is especially good at running the same commands on multiple computers.
  • Ansible is also good at handling communications between computers.

If you do not have SSH access to the managed computer, then there are alternatives. That is beyond the scope of this tutorial; see Remote Connection Information if you want to know more.

Communication between computers includes our local machine. For example, we can use Ansible to back up a database on a remote server and then copy the file to our local computer, a different remote machine, or a storage service.

A key feature of Ansible is that most of its operations are idempotent by default. This means we can do an operation twice and it will have the same effect as doing it once. We can add a line to a configuration file without accidentally duplicating it, or we can safely configure a web server even if it has already been configured.

Ansible shines with complex tasks that involve many related servers, but this tutorial is an invitation to start using it for some simpler tasks.

There are some reasons you might not want to use Ansible for automation. Shell scripts are appropriate for many tasks, and a lot more people are familiar with shell scripts than with Ansible. Also, Ansible is still evolving pretty rapidly. If you want your Ansible scripts to keep working for a few years, then you should expect to do some maintenance when you update to the latest version.

Step 0: Installation

I use Homebrew to manage packages on both Mac and Linux, so I install Ansible with

brew install ansible

For other options, and detailed requirements for the managed computers as well as the one running Ansible, see the Installation Guide. According to that page,

Windows isn't supported for the control node.

Step 1: Are you there? (How to check that Ansible is installed)

The simplest way to check that the installation was successful is to ping yourself:

$ ansible -m ping localhost
localhost | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

(The $ is the command prompt. Do not type it.)

Step 2: Inventory (Tell Ansible where to find our computers)

The inventory file contains a list of computers that we will manage with Ansible. By default, Ansible looks for /etc/ansible/hosts, and it is common practice to name the file hosts or hosts.yml. For this tutorial we will use a minimal inventory called my_inventory.yml:

# File my_inventory.yml
      ansible_connection: local
      ansible_python_interpreter: auto_silent

If I knew that you had SSH access to some server, then I would include that, but the only thing I can count on is that you have access to localhost. Since we do not need SSH to connect to localhost, I included ansible_connection: local. The last line specifies a strategy for finding python on the managed computer. See Interpreter Discovery in the official documentation if this does not work for you.

To test that this is working, ping localhost again:

$ ansible -i my_inventory.yml -m ping all
localhost | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

Note that we specify the inventory with -i my_inventory.yml and that Ansible tells us where it found python. (Your results may be different.)

Step 3: The playbook (A reusable set of Ansible commands)

In real life, we want to run more than one command at a time, so we create a "playbook". For starters, this one will do the same thing as Step 2:

# File playbook.yml
- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false


    - name: Ping

Since the first line says to use "all" hosts, we will not need to specify that on the command line. The gather_facts: false line just saves a little time. The last line specifies which Ansible module to use; it is the equivalent of -m ping in the previous commands.

Run a playbook with ansible-playbook instead of ansible:

$ ansible-playbook -i my_inventory.yml playbook.yml

PLAY [all] ************************************************************************************************

TASK [Ping] ***********************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Step 4: Tasks (Organizing our Ansible playbook)

We can add more plays to our playbook, and each play can have multiple steps. For better organization and for reuse, we can also create separate tasks:

# File tasks/hello.yml
- name: Echo
  command: echo hello, world
  register: hello_var
  changed_when: false
- name: Hello feedback
    msg: "{{ hello_var.stdout }}"

This introduces two more modules:

  • command: execute a command on the target, in this case echo hello, world.
  • debug: print a message or a variable when run.

There is also a shell module. It is similar to command, but it uses /bin/sh instead of executing the command directly.

This example also shows how to save the output of a command in a variable: register: hello_var. That variable is available to later steps in the task and the playbook. To see the full variable, we could replace the msg: line with var: hello_var.

Step 5: Using tags (Run selected task from our Ansible playbook)

In order to run the task from Step 4, update the playbook:

# File playbook.yml
- hosts: all
  gather_facts: false


    - name: Ping
      tags: ping

    - name: Hello
      import_tasks: tasks/hello.yml
      tags: hello

We can now run the entire playbook as before or we can run just the new task by specifying the hello tag:

$ ansible-playbook -i my_inventory.yml playbook.yml -t hello

PLAY [all] ************************************************************************************************

TASK [Echo] ***********************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Hello feedback] *************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "hello, world"

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

The import_tasks module imports tasks statically. We can also import them dynamically with include_tasks. I chose the former because I want to see the output, but there are more significant differences between the two. See Including and Importing in the Ansible documentation.

Step 6: Create a file (Use Ansible to manage a config file)

Here is an example of something more useful: creating and modifying a configuration file. If we want to connect to a remote server over SSH, and we do not want to type the user, full server name, and possibly a non-default SSH key every time we connect, then it is helpful to have an SSH config file. This file is at ~/.ssh/config and should have permissions 600 (read/write by user, no other access).

For this tutorial, we will create a file in the /tmp/ directory rather than ~/.ssh/.

Start by creating a template:

# File templates/ssh_config.j2
# {{ ansible_managed }}

Host mywebserver
    User webuser

Then create a task:

# File tasks/ensure_ssh_config.yml
- name: Ensure the file is present
    src: templates/ssh_config.j2
    dest: /tmp/config
    mode: '0600'

Reference the new task from the playbook:

# File playbook.yml
# ... some lines skipped
    - name: Config file
      import_tasks: tasks/ensure_ssh_config.yml
      tags: ensure_config_file

Now we can run the playbook, specifying the ensure_ssh_config tag:

$ ansible-playbook -i my_inventory.yml playbook.yml -t ensure_ssh_config

PLAY [all]

TASK [Ensure the file is present]
changed: [localhost]

localhost                  : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Confirm that the file has been created:

$ cat /tmp/config
# Ansible managed

Host mywebserver
    User webuser

Note that the expression {{ ansible_managed }} in the template has been replaced with "Ansible managed". In real life, the values for Host, HostName, and User would also be variables in the template.

Step 7: What has changed? (Making sense of Ansible's feedback)

Look again at the messages from Ansible in Step 6: changed: [localhost] when running the task and changed=1 in the recap at the end. Note what happens if we run the task again:

$ ansible-playbook -i my_inventory.yml playbook.yml -t ensure_ssh_config

PLAY [all]

TASK [Ensure the file is present]
ok: [localhost]

localhost                  : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Now we get ok: [localhost] and ok=1. The template module, like most Ansible modules, keeps track of whether anything changes. If nothing will change, then the module does nothing. We can confirm this by checking the timestamp (ls -l /tmp/config), running ansible-playbook again, and checking the timestamp again.

One exception is the command module: it cannot tell whether anything has changed. That is why I added changed_when: false in tasks/hello.yml after command: echo hello, world.

Step 8: Add a line to a file (Using the lineinfile Ansible module)

Add two more steps to the config-file task:

# File tasks/ensure_ssh_config.yml
- name: Ensure the file is present
    src: templates/ssh_config.j2
    dest: /tmp/config
    mode: '0600'
- name: Add a comment to the file
    path: /tmp/config
    line: '# Favorite number: 17'
- name: Demonstrate that the line will not be added again
    path: /tmp/config
    line: '# Favorite number: 17'

This introduces another module, lineinfile, and it also emphasizes that most modules do not make unnecessary changes. They are idempotent: repeating them more than once has the same effect as doing them once.

$ ansible-playbook -i my_inventory.yml playbook.yml -t ensure_ssh_config

PLAY [all] ************************************************************************************************

TASK [Ensure the file is present] *************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Add a comment to the file] **************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [Demonstrate that the line will not be added again] **************************************************
ok: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=3    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Note that lineinfile reports changed the first time and ok the second time. We can also check that the line has been added only once:

$ cat /tmp/config
# Ansible managed

Host mywebserver
    User webuser

# Favorite number: 17

Step 9: Less typing (Use a shell script to wrap our Ansible commands)

For convenience, we can add a simple shell script as a wrapper for the ansible-playbook command:

# File bin/

if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
ansible-playbook -i my_inventory.yml --tags="$1" playbook.yml
cat <<-EOS
Call $0 with one of these arguments. For example, '$0 hello'.
- ping: Simple connection test.
- hello: Standard message.
- ensure_ssh_config: Create /tmp/config.

Make this file executable (chmod a+x bin/tutorial). Now it is easier to run commands:

$ bin/
Call bin/ with one of these arguments. For example, 'bin/ hello'.
- ping: Simple connection test.
- hello: Standard message.
- ensure_ssh_config: Create /tmp/config.
$ bin/ hello

PLAY [all] ************************************************************************************************

TASK [Echo] ***********************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Hello feedback] *************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "hello, world"

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

We can even run more than one at a time: try bin/ hello,ping.
