Tagged Presentations

Hook 42 DrupalCon Vienna Sessions

Along with our CTO, Kristen Pol, we have a new Accessibility Lead and Senior Front-end Developer, Carie Fisher, who will be in Vienna. We are excited to have her onboard! Carie is one of the community leaders who received a well-deserved scholarship to attend DrupalCon Vienna.

drupalcon vienna logo

Hook 42 goes to Washington!

Hook 42 is expanding our enterprise Drupal services to the public sector. It’s only logical that our next trek is to Drupal GovCon!

We are bringing some of our colorful San Francisco Bay Area love to DC. We will be sharing our knowledge about planning and managing migrations, as well as core site building layout technologies. The most exciting part of the conference will be meeting up with our east coast Drupal community and government friends in person.

Drupal GovCon 2017

Baltimore DrupalCon - Favorites From Charm City

Every year DrupalCon brings the community together. This year we were fortunate enough to have eleven of our team come together in Baltimore! We had a ton of fun while Drupaling and want to share a few of our favorite moments!

Hook42 Team
Hook 42 ladies at baltimore drupalcon

Hook 42's Sessions, BoFs, and Events at DrupalCon Baltimore

Charm City here we come! Hook 42 is on their way to DrupalCon Baltimore!

DrupalCon Baltimore will be here before we know it, and the Hook 42 team is thrilled to be presenting four sessions this year! Aimee, Kristen Pol, and Kristin Bradham (K2) are ready to share their knowledge on Drupal 8 theming and view modes, worst practices, and migrations (alongside our friend Ryan Weal. 

Along with our sessions, we are helping organize and host a couple of other events! We are excited to be helping plan this year’s Business Summit, as well as continuing our sponsorship of Women in Drupal!


Hook42 Team
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Stanford Drupal Camp 2017 - Ready, Git Set, Go!

I fully embraced the motto “go big or go home” when I started to think about my first solo community presentation for Stanford Drupal Camp 2017. I wanted to force myself to learn a subject well enough that I could explain it to others. I like a challenge, so I set my eyes on understanding the fundamentals of Git.
Hook42 Team
Pink Stanford drupal logo

Montreal or Bust! Hook 42 is going to Drupal North!

The fabulous duo of K2 (Kristin Bradham) and Lindsay Gaudinier are off on another trip to get their Drupal. Kicking things off, K2 will present her Conversational Drupal session that was a hit at BADCamp and Stanford Drupal Camp. Grab a coffee and bagel, and enjoy the eye-opener session on Friday morning. Later on Friday, Lindsay and K2 will lead a session on Drupal and SEO.

Hook42 Team
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